Neck lifting

The skin in the neck area is very thin so there are various reasons why the skin here can lose its shape and its elasticity.

What cause the skin around the neck to lose shape?

The main reason for the skin around the neck to lose shape is age.


Neck lifting with Victoria Threads

Surgical and minimally invasive procedures can be used to tighten the neck.
After the surgical procedure, the patient will have a long recovery. But with the help of Victoria threads, a tightening can be carried out with a minimum rehabilitation period.
The insertion of special threads, that are made of biopolymers, into the skin stimulates the production of collagen around the neck which supports the patient’s skin. Victoria threads are absolutely safe and biodegrade after 6-7 month after the procedure. The effect lasts for 1- 2 year.

Although Victoria threads are absolutely safe, it is necessary to select highly qualified specialists who practice safe techniques and use harmless materials. Only an experienced cosmetologist will be able to correctly select the therapy for the most efficient result.